1. Login to Concur

2. Go to Start a Report at the top.

3. Enter Report Name - must be in format of mm/yyyy i.e. 03/2023.

4. Select type of claim - either cash or credit card. You cannot enter credit card transactions on cash claims and vice versa.

5. Create New Expense Report 

* Car Mileage - if you have no vehicle registered you have to add a car under Personal car Registration.  Select new vehicle. Vehicle ID should be registration number.  Select car type i.e. personal car or car allowance etc - complete all fields.  If you use "drive" on the app then it will calculate distance travelled.  

6. Go into claim created.  

7. Select type i.e car mileage.  

8. Put transaction date (day of travel), purpose of trip, enter the postcodes for the from and to location.  It enters the amount to be paid. 

9. Click save.

* When you purchase fuel you go to Fuel for mileage.  Put in transaction date (date filled car), business purpose, how much you put in.  Add a receipt.  Save.  This is for tax recovery - upload fuel receipts when you purchase fuel. 

* if you go over the amount allowed it will tell you its over the amount. If you don't add a receipt it will tell you that you need to - if you don't have the receipt you need to say why. Enter meals on individual days. 

* If you have hotel expenses you need to itemise your expenses - enter check in date and check out date.  Enter transaction date.  Enter business purposes.  Enter vendor (hotel name), Enter City of Purchase, ..... you enter the total for the bill then when you click save you can itemise it out i.e. room rate, breakfast etc.  The items should match the total.  If you have personal expenses you add them but tick the box to say personal items but you do not have to add them.  You can claim less than the receipt - if you claim for more than the receipt it will flag up.  If the hotel vendor doesn't come up then you can select "other".  

* If you are staying with relatives you can claim a daily rate but you have to enter as individual days.

When done click submit report.  If you haven't had a receipt then it will notify you. If you don't have a receipt you can say you don't have the receipt and sign to say you don't have it and the reason why.

When you submit it will tell you how much you are claiming for with breakdowns then click Submit Report. It tells you its submitted.  It will tell you who your approver is and when its been approved.